
Islam, Liberalism, and Democracy

Mustafa Acar- Islam and Free Market Economy: Friend of Foe?

Atilla Yayla- Some Considerations On The Condition Of Social, Politıcal, And Economic Thinking In The Islamic World

Markar Esayan- Ikhwan teaches demokratic lesson

Mustafa Akyol - Transcript for Mustafa Akyol on Religion, Democracy and the New Turkey

İhsan Dağı, Transformation of Islamic Political Identity in Turkey: Rethinking the West and Westernization

Bekir Berat Özipek - Did Breivik see this cartoon?

İhsan Dağı - People power in the Middle East and the West

İhsan Dağı - Turkish Model: neither authoritarian nor Islamist

Ergun Babahan - Revolutions are contagious

Bican Şahin - Toleration, Political Liberalism, and Peaceful Coexistence in Muslim World

Bican Şahin - Democracy With An Adjective: Liberal Democracy in A Muslim Society

Bekir Berat Özipek - Freedom of Religion

Mustafa Erdoğan - Islam and Liberalism

Mustafa Erdoğan - Amazing! Democracy and Islam Can Coexist!

Bilal Sambur - Cultural Dialogue As The New  Hope

Bican Şahin - Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World?

Markar Eseyan - Has Europe Confronted Its Fascism?

Atilla Yayla - Opening Speech of the Mont Pelerin Society Istanbul Special Meeting  

Mustafa Akyol - Muslims are not betraying Islam in embracing liberal democracy

Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı- Syria Crisis Prompts Turkey's New Openings to Its Alevis

Government and Liberalism

"No We Can’t": The US foreign policy and the end of humanitarian intervention, Arda Akçiçek

Mustafa Erdoğan - Fukuya Goes Wrong

Atilla Yayla - Super States, Small States and Liberty


Intellectual Movements and ALT

Atilla Yayla - On Intellectual Movements



Markar Esayan- Ergenekon: An Illegitimate Form of Government

Vahap Coşkun- Constitutional Amendments Under the Justice and Development Party Rule

Markar Esayan- A guide to understanding the Gezi crisis

Mustafa Acar- Bottom-Up: Explain The Success Story of Turkey in the 2000s

Mustafa Acar- Where Turkey is Heading? (Interview with Dr. Acar on Gezi events)

İhsan Dağı - Egypt and Turkey, military and democracy

Bekir Berat Özipel - Dersim: History forces us into confrontation

İhsan Dağı - If you learn of Turkey from the old business elite

Bekir Berat Özipek - Is alliance between liberals and AK party over?

Mustafa Erdoğan - Pluralism in Turkish Costitutional History

Mustafa Erdoğan - The Recent Constitutional Debate in Turkey

İhsan Dağı - Why do we need a post-Kemalist republic?

Ahmet Nuri Yurdusev - No place for non-amendable provisions in the constitution

Bekir Berat Özipek - Why some Turks are in love with Syria's Baathist regime  

İhsan Dağı - Was Atatürk a dictator? Ask him

Vahap Coskun - Turkey's Illiberal Judiciary: Cases and Decisions

Atilla Yayla - Democrats who cannot call a coup a coup

Yılmaz Ensaroğlu-Expectations from the Democratization Package

Ufuk Coşkun- For innovation in education, allow new methods

Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı-Erdogan Promotes Democratization Package

Civil Society

Ömer Çaha - Civil Society in Western Europe and Ottoman Empire: A Comparative Perspective



Yusuf Şahin - A Critique of Established Environmentalism in Turkey


Free Market Economy

Polıtıcal Instıtutıonalızatıon and Economıc Rents: The Case of Turkey From 1923 to 1960, Buğra Kalkan

John B. Taylor - The Road to Recovery

Bilal Sambur - Moral Foundations of Free Market Economy

Bilal Sambur - Islam and the Immorality of High Taxation



Norman Barry - The Law and Politics of Freedom of Expression

Norman Barry - Poverty, Freedom and Economic Justice

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