Every year, ALT holds an open essay contest in order to support intellectual development of undergraduate students. First three placements receive cash awards while the first ten receive a pack of full series of Journal of Liberal Thought.
Topics of past years:
2012 - "What is the meaning and importance of A Letter Corcerning Toleration by John Locke for Turkey?"
2011 - "How to strengthen rule of law in Turkey? "
2010 - In Memory of the 60th Anniversary of Democracy in Turkey
"In the frame of Principles for a Free Society by Nigel Ashford, what shall priorities be in order to improve free society in Turkey?"
2009 - "What is the meaning and importance of Anti-Capitalist Mentality by Ludwig von Mises in Global Economic Crisis Period?"
2008 - "What does reading The Law by Frederic Bastiat mean today?"
2007 - "What does The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek mean?"
2006 - "Value and place of freedom in life?"
2005 - "Freedom and Democracy"