Association for Liberal Thinking hosted on July 12, 2014 presidential nominee MP Selahattin Demirtas who is the co Chair of HDP, representative of the major Kurdish political movement, at a special meeting with a group of academicians; think tank experts; columnists, and lawyers. Participants shared their opinions and exchanged ideas with Mr. Demirtas on Presidential elections, liberalization and democratization reforms, resolution / peace proces...Details

Association for Liberal Thinking (ALT) hosted a roundtable meeting on February 17, 2014, with two representatives of National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA) in Ankara at our premises. The meeting was held to exchange ideas with a small group of opinion leaders from academy, media, bureaucracy, politics and law. NCWA Vice Chairman Garen Mikaelyan and Executive Member Sevag Artsuni introduced their initiatives and explained their ongoing att...Details

Free Market Road Show, a series of international meetings, organized regularly by Austrian Economics Center since 2008, was held in Istanbul Commerce University in Istanbul on Saturday 03 May 2014 hosted by Association for Liberal Thinking with the contributions of Friedrich Naumann Foundation Turkey and along other main sponsors. Free Market Road Show, held each year in nearly 25 European countries with the attendance of businessmen, politician...Details

3rd Annual Conference of Istanbul Network for Liberty (INfoL) was held on 16-18 March 2014 in Istanbul This year’s conference titled "Values and Institutions of Free Society in Mainly Muslim Countries" was hosted by Association for Liberal Thinking based in Turkey in cooperation with Minaret of Freedom Institute. The conference attracted around 100 participants, intellectual entrepreneurs, academics, writers, researchers, think tank activ...Details

Free Market Road Show 2014 http://freemarket-rs.com/ The Future of Europe at Stake Political and Economic Freedoms in Turkey and in Europe: Challenges and Promises 3 May 2014, Saturday Istanbul Commerce University, Eminonu Campus The Austrian Economics Center (AEC), in cooperation with over 60 leading think-tanks and universities across Europe and the Caucasus, and in association with international partners such as the...Details

ALT held a workshop titled “Problems of the Alevi People and Democratization of Turkey” on January 25, 2014 in Ankara. Alawi opinion leaders were brought together with liberal democratic persons among academia, media, politics, bureaucracy, and civil society to discuss and evaluate problems and demands of Alawi people in a productive and constructive platform. The problems of Alawi people in the lands of Turkey have roots be...Details